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Also Eleanor, his pious and beloved wife, who died 10th August 1860, aged 80 years. Deeply and deservedly deplored by an attached family. Also Elizabeth Jane, the beloved child of William Wann, who died 12th April 1861, aged 16 years. Also George Washington, 8th son of same, who died 2nd August 1854 aged 7 months. Also Samuel, 5th son of same, who died in America, 14th Sept 1863, aged 20 years. Also Margaret, the beloved wife of William Wann, J.P. who died 22nd March 1877, aged 67 years. Also Henry, 3rd son of same, who died in Australia, May 1873, aged 38 years. Also William Wann, J.P. who died 15th April 1880, aged 67 years.

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