Will You Invest In Our Future?
Ulster Historical Foundation is a unique organisation. We are the only body on the island of Ireland that combines expertise in family history research with the publication of high quality historical and genealogical books.
Much more than that, the Foundation is the only Irish organisation that delivers annual conferences and course in family history and conducts extensive lecture tours in North America every year and elsewhere less frequently.
We are passionate about the history of Ulster and the story of the families that have lived in all nine counties of the historic province over the centuries.
And we do it all without one penny of grant aid from government.
The Foundation is entirely self-funded. We depend on the generosity of our members, supporters and customers to continue to provide the range of services that we offer.
We have wonderful resources built up over nearly 65 years, great ideas and ambitious plans to develop more resources that can benefit the wider research community, but especially our members.
Our emblem is a ship, chosen to represent the passage of thousands of people who have departed from Ulster over the centuries. Using the metaphor of a ship, we can say that the Foundation has come through some choppy waters over the years and at times it looked like we were perilously close to foundering. But ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work have kept us afloat. The ship has now been stabilised and we hope that we are sailing in calmer waters.
With your support we believe that we can flourish, not only building on what we have achieved, but reaching out to a new generation of researchers and those fascinated by the history of the place we call home.
Irish Migration Memorial
The Foundation would like to develop an Irish Migration Memorial where interested parties could commemorate a specific ancestor, or family line that they have been researching, and in doing so help us create our Genealogy Hub.
Building for the Future
We are launching a Five-Year Building Plan to find a permanent home for the Foundation to accommodate staff, the growing research library, and to provide a facility that our members can enjoy using. Will you help us achieve that?
Leave a Legacy
Costing nothing in your lifetime, leaving a gift in your will to the Foundation has the potential to sustain our work and benefit others for many years to come. Can we ask you to think about making a legacy pledge to the Foundation?
Tax Efficient Giving