This database is based on the information contained in the Flax Growers' Bounty List which was published by the Irish Linen Board in 1796. It is a valuable substitute for non-existent census material for this period in Ireland, containing the names of around 55,000 small farmers is almost every county (Dublin and Wicklow being the only counties not covered) who received an award of a spinning-wheel or loom in return for planting certain amounts of flax.

There are only two copies of the original printed volume known to exits, one is held by the Linen Hall Library in Belfast and the other by the Irish Linen Museum in Lisburn. The information contained in the original volume includes the first name and surname of the farmer, the civil parish and the county location plus details on the number of spinning-wheels or looms awarded (those who planted one acre were awarded 4 spinning-wheels, while a loom was granted to those growing 5 acres). All of this information has been computerised by the Ulster Historical Foundation and is included in this database. The details of the parish address may be particularly useful in providing a focus for a genealogical search

In the original source some instances of archaic spellings of parish names can be found. However, we have included the modern spelling in square brackets where appropriate. Also, where some surnames are spelt in unusual ways, we have included standard spellings in square brackets.