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[Kilmore Church of Ireland] Erected to the memory of Alexander Hewitt of Drumard Primate, died 2nd Feby. 1922, aged 93 years. Also his wife Mary died 4th March 1902, aged 59 years. And of their children, Thomas died 2nd April 1882 aged 17 years. Joseph died 15th Septr. 1890 aged 32 years. James died in Australia, 14th March 1920, aged 59 years, Aaron died in Africa, 4th March 1933, aged 55 years. Robert died at Hamilton, New Zealand 5th July 1937, aged 78 years. Samuel died 17th April 1941, aged 67 years. Sarah Jane Hewitt died 26th January 1943, aged 72 years. William Hewitt died 1st December 1944 aged 78 years. Alexander Hewitt died 19th May 1953, aged 82 years.

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