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5 Geo. II, c. 14,
An Act to explain and amend an Act intituled [An Act for the better regulating the Work-House of the City of Dublin and to regulate and provide for the Poor thereof and to prevent Mischiefs which may happen by keeping Gun-Powder within the said City]; and also for explaining and amending one other Act intituled [An Act for the better enabling the Governors of the Work-House of the City of Dublin to provide for and employ the Poor therein and for the more effectual Punishment of Vagabonds; and also for the better securing of and providing for Lunaticks and Foundling Children].
Poor - Workhouse financed 3d per £1 parish rates; hired vehicle licences, amount stated paid quarterly; vagabonds, lunatics, foundlings, maintenance of order, Dublin gunpowder to be stored safely [so]

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