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7 Geo. II, c. 26,
An Act for the Relief of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner; and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner; and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton; and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison.
Bankruptcy - Burton's Bank, debt £65,173 4s 61/2d; considerable assets, estates, etc.; Harrison died 3 July 1725, B. Burton died 30 May 1728, S. Burton died 8 July 1733, arrangements for liquidation; Anne Butler (widow of Marsh Harrison, heir of F. Harrison) and Mary Burton (widow of S. Burton); children's rights under S. Burton's marriage settlement secured, overplus to go to heirs [t]

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