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21 Geo. II, c. 13,
An Act for repairing the Roads leading from the City of Corke through Mill-street to Shannah-Mill in the County of Kerry and from Shannah-Mill to Killarney; as also from Shannah-Mill through Castle-Island to Listowell in the said County; and for laying an additional Toll at all Turnpikes in this Kingdom on all Carrs and Carriages making Use of any Part of Saplin or Trees as or for a Bow or Backband or making Use of any Saplins twisted into Gads for Backbands Halters Traces to draw by or Gads commonly called Long Gads.
Communications - turnpike road (two days' statute work), trustees listed (quorum 5), tolls listed, avoidance penalty, subcontracting allowed; tree preservation - additional tolls for saplings used in vehicles [cm]

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