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25 Geo. II, c. 21,
An Act for the more effectual repairing and amending the Road leading from the City of Kilkenny to the Town of Clonmel in the County of Tipperary and for discharging the said Road from all Incumbrances by fraud affecting the same; and for the Relief of Richard Gore esq; and Anne his Wife Administratrix of William Gore esq; deceased; and John Wallis esq; Administrator with the Will annexed of Henry Wallis esq; deceased.
Communications - turnpike road, trustees listed 5 Geo. II, c. 19, 9 Geo. II, c. 26, trustees approve debentures -large sums, high interest, road and tolls discharged from debentures, trustees to strike new debentures, money owed estates of Gore and Wallis deceased to be paid [cm]

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