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29 Geo. II, c. 22,
An Act for the Relief of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by John Willcocks and John Dawson and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Joseph Fade and John Willcocks and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Joseph Fade Isachar Willcocks and John Willcocks and of the Creditors of the Bank lately kept by Joseph Fade; and for raising out of the Estates real and personal of Richard Brewer late the Cash-keeper of the said John Willcocks and John Dawson the Sum due by the said Richard Brewer to the said John Willcocks and John Dawson.
Trade - bankruptcy, Willcocks & Dawson and Fade Willcocks & Willcocks, Isachar Willcox d. 17 April 1744, Joseph Fade d. 8 May 1747 and John Willcox continued, Fade left interest to Dawson and Dawson & Willcocks continued - Richard Brewer clerk 1736-46, cashier 1746-55 £80-100, after Fade's death embezzled funds, Brewer tried to flee but arrested with secreted money, bankers' estates vested in assignees, Commissioners named, creditors make claims to 3 December 1756, debts can be compounded, Mary Brewer's marriage rights secured, dealings between Brewer and Robert Birch [t]

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