This record is free to all users Monarch GEORGE II Year 1759 Title 33 Geo. II, c. 11, Description An Act for reviving and amending an Act passed in the Twenty third Year of his present Majesty's Reign intituled [An Act for amending continuing and making more effectual the several Acts now in Force in this Kingdom for the more easy Recovery of Tythes and other Ecclesiastical Dues of small Value; and also for the more easy providing a Maintenance for Parish Clerks]; so far only as the same relates to the more easy providing a Maintenance for Parish-Clerks and to encourage the building of new Churches. Classification Ecclesiastical - stipends, tithes/dues, encouragement of church building [rl] Login or Sign up to save records to your list Perform Another Search ​ Are you sure you want to buy this record? > credits (or if a member credits) >0 credits in your wallet Buy with credits Cancel