This record is free to all users Monarch GEORGE II Year 1759 Title 33 Geo. II, c. 15, Description An Act for amending an Act passed in the Thirty First Year of his present Majesty's Reign intituled An Act for making a wide and convenient Way Street and Passage from Essex-bridge to the Castle of Dublin and for other Purposes therein mentioned; as also for amending another Act passed in the same Year for widening and repairing or rebuilding Baal's-bridge in the City of Limerick. Classification Urban amenities - Dublin Commissioners as 31 Geo. II, c. 19 with compulsory powers of purchase, Limerick Commissioners with compulsory powers as 31 Geo. II, c. 20 [u] Login or Sign up to save records to your list Perform Another Search ​ Are you sure you want to buy this record? > credits (or if a member credits) >0 credits in your wallet Buy with credits Cancel