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3 Geo. III, c. 10,
An Act for the more effectual carrying into execution an act intituled an act for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by John Willcocks and John Dawson and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Joseph Fade and John Willcocks and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Joseph Fade Isachar Willcocks and John Willcocks and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Joseph Fade; and for raising out of the estates real and personal of Richard Brewer late the cash-keeper of the said John Willcocks and John Dawson the sum due by the said Richard Brewer to the said John Willcocks and John Dawson.
Commerce - bankruptcy; Fade, Willcocks & Willcocks; sale of estates; certain exemptions; Richard Brewer discharged from prison [t]

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