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3 Geo. III, c. 11,
An Act for altering and amending an act intituled an act for amending an act intitled an act for encouragement of tillage and better employment of the poor; and also for the more effectual putting in execution an act intituled an act to encourage the draining and improving of boggs and unprofitable low grounds and for easing and dispatching the inland carriage and conveyance of goods from one part to another in this kingdom and also for laying several duties upon coaches berlins chariots calashes chaises and chairs and upon cards and dice and upon wrought and manufactured gold and silver plate imported into or made in Ireland for the purposes therein mentioned; and also for repealing the duties payable upon the exportation of wool bay-yarn and woollen-yarn out of this kingdom for England.
Communications - 1752 Commission for Inland Navigation establishment, accommodation [cm]

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