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13 & 14 Geo. III, c. 31,
An Act for continuing explaining and amending an act made in the eighth year of the reign of his present Majesty George the third intitled an act for making and repairing the road from the town of Listowell in the county of Kerry through the lands of Listowell Drumin Skehanireen Bunegarah Killmeany Curragpholig Knockenure Lessinisky and Binanispig in the county of Kerry Atea Taumpleatlea Glanagour Knockfinisk Carrigkerry Glanduff Glannostare Ballyline Ardagh commons Ardagh town Lishilleen otherwise Lishereen Skehanagh Killscannell and Reens in the county of Limerick ending at the forge on the said lands of Reens at the turn of the road leading to Newcastle from Rathkeal in the said county of Limerick.
Communications - turnpike road, names additional trustees [cm]

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