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19 & 20 Geo. III, c. 15,
An Act for continuing several temporary statutes; and for amending an act passed in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of his present Majesty for the better paving cleansing lighting altering and improving Sackville-street and Marlborough-street in the city of Dublin and the lanes and avenues leading unto the same respectively; and for enabling the corporations for badging the poor within the county of Waterford and the county of the city of Waterford to unite and become one corporation; and also for establishing a body corporate within the town and parish of Lisburn in the county of Antrim for the better support and government of the poor within the said town and parish.
Statute extension - Dublin paving, cleansing, lighting, Waterford county and city badging beggars, Lisburn Charitable Society [h]

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