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26 Geo. III, c. 59,
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of His present Majesty entitled An Act for the Erecting and Building of a new and convenient Gaol and Marshalsea in the County of Limerick and County of the City of Limerick and to enable certain Trustees and Commissioners therein named to purchase Ground whereon to erect and build the same and for enabling the Honourable and Reverend Maurice Crosbie Dean of Limerick to sell or make Leases in Perpetuity of Ground in the City of Limerick whereof he is seized in Right of his Deanery and to purchase a House and Offices in the said City for a Deanery House as in Manner therein set forth.
Judicial, gaol - county/city prisoners, church property - Limerick deanery house [j]

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