This record is free to all users Monarch GEORGE III Year 1788 Title 28 Geo. III, c. 24, Description An Act for repealing an Act made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth intitled An Act for the Election of the Lord Justice and also for the Election of a Lord Justice and Governor of this Realm upon the Event and in the Manner therein mentioned. Classification Constitutional - death of viceroy, Privy Council summoned by proclamation, 15-21 days after proclamation council meets, if office still void Lords Justices elected, if parliament in session to continue but adjourn for one month, all temporary statutes expiring continue for six weeks [c] Login or Sign up to save records to your list Perform Another Search ​ Are you sure you want to buy this record? > credits (or if a member credits) >0 credits in your wallet Buy with credits Cancel