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28 Geo. III, c. 26,
An Act for continuing the Encouragement by Bounties to the several Manufactures therein named for a certain and limited Time.
Parliamentary grant - manufactures, £17,000/£61,138 4s 8 1/4d to encourage manufacture, 13 trustees listed (quorum 7), wool cotton wool/cotton for home market, established markets for sale of worsted goods; also iron and copper manufacture, larger bounties farther from Dublin; to water-powered factories with 30 workers, trustees give 4 per cent grant for expenses, those that sell/purchase after last year's bounty is spent considered; under 4 per cent withheld, new drapery on market ante 1 p.m. for bounty, 25 Geo. III, c. 48 (combinations, price of labour, etc.) continued, penalties for those making false claims for bounties, trustees to account to Commissioner of Imprests [m]

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