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28 Geo. III, c. 44,
An Act to enable all Ecclesiastical Persons and Bodies Rectors Vicars and Curates and Impropriators and those deriving by from or under them to recover a just Compensation for the Tithes withheld from them in the Year One thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven in the several Counties and Counties of Cities therein mentioned against such Persons who are liable to the same; and to explain and amend an Act made in the Twenty-seventh Year of his Majesty's Reign intitled An Act to enable all Ecclesiastical Persons and Bodies Rectors Vicars and Curates and Impropriators and those deriving by from or under them to recover a just Compensation for the Tithes withheld from them in the Year One thousand seven hundred and eighty-six in the several Counties therein mentioned against such Persons who are liable to the same.
Religion - anticlericalism, violence, threats, unlawful oaths, combinations, Counties Limerick, Kerry, Cork, Tipperary, Waterford, Clare, Kilkenny, tithe average 1786-8 inclusive allocated [rl]

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