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29 Geo. III, c. 1,
An Act for granting unto His Majesty His Heirs and Successors an additional Duty on Wines Hides Beer Ale and other Goods and Merchandizes therein mentioned and for prohibiting the Importation of all Gold and Silver Lace except of the Manufacture of Great Britain; and of all Cambricks Lawns and Glass except the Manufacture of Great Britain and France and the French Dominions in Europe; and of all Hops except of the Growth of Great Britain and the British Plantations.
Revenue - lists duties, earmarked 12,000 men in Ireland, total 15,232, £20,000 militia, £10,000 Linen Board (instead of tea duty), £3,000 to Provost and Fellows of TCD - Parliament Square, £48,873 to be applied to manufactures, charities and institutions, lists salaries of House of Commons officials [rv]

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