This record is free to all users Monarch GEORGE III Year 1789 Title 29 Geo. III, c. 15, Description An Act for granting unto His Majesty His Heirs and Successors certain Duties upon Carriages. Classification Revenue - private vehicle licences 15s per two-wheeled chaise, £4 per four-wheeled carriage, etc., except vehicles for sale, stage and hackney vehicles; licence for hackney coaches or vehicles for hire, board with name(s) and stating 'licensed ...', no board displayed on premises penalty £10, licences apply to all vehicles on highway, collectors to certify licences similarly to Hearth Money, coach-makers to indicate purchases, £5,000 to be paid from proceeds to Wide Streets Commissioners for paving, lighting, etc. [rv] Login or Sign up to save records to your list Perform Another Search ​ Are you sure you want to buy this record? > credits (or if a member credits) >0 credits in your wallet Buy with credits Cancel