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30 Geo. III, c. 19,
An Act for further amending an Act Intitled An Act for continuing and amending an Act passed in the Twenty-second Year of His present Majesty's Reign intitled An Act for the Improvement of the City of Dublin by making wide and convenient Passages through the same and for regulating the Coal Trade thereof and for other Purposes.
Dublin - 23 and 24 Geo. III, c. 3, 1s coal import duty, Wide Streets Commissioners have borrowed £47,500 on 5 per cent debentures, Can borrow up to £100,000 @ 4 per cent p.a., up to £21,500 to widen Dame Street, up to £25,000 to purchase land - Sackville Street to new Bridge; remaining £400 to open passage from Summer Hill to Great North Road, money granted to bear interest at 6 per cent [u]

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