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30 Geo. III, c. 39,
An Act for the Improvement of the Port and Harbour of Drogheda and the better Regulation of the Police of said Town.
Urban amenities, Drogheda - port duties 6d per ton except from British and French coasters 3d, except vessels in ballast only, duties to be paid to port collector, ships not to sail until duties paid, collector allowed 6d per £1 collected, Commissioners six aldermen seven Common Councillors (quorum 7) for improving port/town, Commissioners can use duties as security to borrow up to £1,500, Commissioners annually lodge certificate with Commissioners of Imprest; market regulations - bakers' assize of bread, bakers selling short to be punished as 1 Geo. II, c. 16, Mayor may check on baker at any time, sub-standard bread confiscated for poor or prisoners; vestries of St Peter and St Mary may applot rates - to be used for street cleansing, paving, lighting, etc. [u]

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