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30 Geo. III, c. 47,
An Act for continuing and amending the several Acts for making widening and repairing so much of the Road leading from the City of Limerick to the City of Cork as lies within the County or County of the City of Cork that is to say from the Bounds of the Counties of Limerick and Cork between the Towns of Kilmallock and Charleville to the City of Cork and to continue an Act passed in the Twenty-eighth Year of His present Majesty Intitled An Act to continue and amend an Act passed in the Fifth Year of His late Majesty's Reign Intitled An Act for repairing the Road leading from the Town of Newcastle in the County of Limerick to the City of Limerick and from thence to the City of Cork.
Communications - 5 Geo. II, c. 22, 19 Geo. II, c. 19, 28 Geo. III, c. 28, turnpike road, widen and repair, seven Trustees named, can co-opt to vacancies, tolls listed for 21 years, seven Trustees may appoint one or more collectors, also one or more surveyors allowing 2s 6d per day during repairs, 15 Trustees may assign tolls as security, all/part of tolls may be canted to highest bidder for up to two years, election days toll-free, usual exemptions - agrarian activities, prisoners, post, soldiers [cm]

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