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31 Geo. III, c. 13,
An Act for regulating the issuing of Licenses for the Sale of Spiritous Liquors by Retail and for remedying the Abuses which have arisen from the immoderate Use of such Liquors.
Revenue, liquor licences - curb excessive drinking, metropolitan Dublin £20, next two-mile radius £15, after £10; Cork metropolitan £20, county/city £15, likewise Waterford and Limerick, licences granted only to those who sell alcohol, licensees also must be licensed to sell strong ales and beer, no licence to be granted except by magistrate, certify that licensee a proper person, magistrate to hold special session July-Sept. to issue certificates, excise collector granting licence may take 1s per £1 for duty collected, also 2s per £1 for bond, constables to remove all persons drinking 12 p.m.-7 a.m. [rv]

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