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32 Geo. III, c. 14,
An Act for granting the Sum of Five Thousand Pounds to the Dublin Society for the Purposes therein mentioned.
Parliamentary grants - £48,568 - £5,000 to Dublin Society, £3,000 agriculture, £250 glass manufacture - £100 Dublin, £50 each Cork, Waterford, Belfast, £350 for spinning jennies and worsted weaving, £300 for spinning worsted warps with English-designed wheels; also premiums to mistresses of charter schools with 10 girls, up to £300 for a botanic garden, £800 for officers' salaries, drawing school, to purchase cabinet of mineralogy, also manufactures not receiving any bounty, RDS subscription 2 guineas - arrears c. £7,000 and may be recovered by civil bill, before 1 June 1792 arrears up to £16 - £4 plus a quarter of arrears, £20 life subscription, and discharged from all past and future payments, all payments towards purchase of cabinet of mineralogy, models for drawing school, botanic garden [m]

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