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32 Geo. III, c. 19,
An Act for continuing and amending an Act intitled An Act for regulating the issuing of Licenses for the Sale of Spiritous Liquors by Retail and for remedying the Abuses which have arisen from the immoderate Use of such Liquors.
Revenue, spirits - 31 Geo. III, c. 16 continued to 25 Mar. 1793, spirit and coffee retailers' licences granted only to those keeping inns and taverns and also selling ale, licences granted to grocers or other businesses void; persons requiring licences to be vetted - two JPs to sign certificate, no drinking midnight to 7 a.m., no pawning to licensee for alcohol, anyone paying wages in alcohol fined £2 - to parish poor; journeymen not to be paid in public houses - penalty £10; licensee selling 75 to 200 barrels of strong ale to get pro rata rebate on licence, JPs finding illegal sales of spirits at fairs, patron's horse racing, hurling, etc. to fine £5 and confiscate spirits [rv]

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