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33 Geo. III, c. 1,
An Act for establishing Regulations respecting Aliens arriving in this Kingdom or resident therein in certain Cases and Subjects of this Kingdom who have served or are serving in Foreign Armies.
Aliens - on ship's arrival masters to declare aliens on board, aliens to declare name, rank, etc., aliens not to import arms or ammunition, except as merchandise subject to laws in force, aliens to be issued with passport, passport issued by JP giving details and destination of alien, if proclamation declares that aliens (not merchants) cannot land master to obey, except with Lord Lieutenant's permission signed by Chief Secretary - penalty £50 per alien; illegal aliens may be held in custody for 1 month and deported unless released by Lord Lieutenant who is to be immediately informed of such arrivals, JPs may request of any housekeeper a list of aliens in the house - penalty £50 per alien, JP or Chief Secretary may require from housekeeper list of arms of aliens, Act not to affect servants or children under 14; natural-born subjects who have served in foreign armies without HM's pardon are aliens [se]

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