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33 Geo. III, c. 4,
An Act for granting for one Year the several Duties therein mentioned in Lieu of all other Duties payable upon the Articles therein specified during the said Term and for continuing the Effect of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed at Versailles on the Twenty-sixth Day of September One thousand seven hundred and eighty-six between His Majesty and the Most Christian King and for regulating the Trade between this Kingdom and His Majesty's Colonies and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
Revenue - schedule of duties A to H, French trade schedule B based on attested real worth of goods, lists salaries of named House of Commons officials etc., £41,000 for charities and public works, duty of £2 to be paid by those hawking plants and assorted goods within Dublin and 5 mile radius, pawnbrokers in same area £50, retailing spirits in same area additional duty of 10s, These duties in addition to all other duties etc. [rv]

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