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33 Geo. III, c. 27,
An Act for confirming and establishing certain Articles of Agreement made between the Trustees named and appointed by the last Will and Testament of Richard Morgan late of Newcastle in the County of Dublin Esquire deceased and John Godley of the City of Dublin Esquire the Nephew and Heir at Law of the said Richard Morgan concerning the real and personal Estates whereof the said Richard Morgan died seized and possessed and for other Purposes.
Inheritance - Richard Morgan died 28 Dec. 1784, dispute between Godley, widow Morgan, Bishops of Kildare and Ossory, Dorothy Morgan jointure plus £150 sterling plus various bequests to her and others including bequests to bishops, Godley contested the will made in 1773 as null and void and claimed his uncle died intestate, estate after payment of debts, legacies and annuities to be equally divided John Godley/charitable purposes, estates vested in Godley listed - Morgan owned a considerable amount of property in Dublin [so]

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