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33 Geo. III, c. 34,
An Act for the Support of the Honour and Dignity of His Majesty's Crown in Ireland and for granting to His Majesty a Civil List Establishment under certain Provisions and Regulations.
Revenue - establishment of a consolidated Revenue, HM Civil List £145,000 p.a. paid quarterly, Pension List £124,000 to be reduced to £80,000, when Pension List reduced to £80,000 a further £80,000 to be added to the Civil List, making a total of £225,000, lists order of payments, pensions to royal family, salaries of Lord Lieutenant, Chief Secretary, etc., judicial salaries, tradesmen's bills for Castle, salaries of all other officers on Civil Establishment beginning with lowest, pensions beginning with smallest, all other charges on the Civil Establishment - annual pensions granted not to exceed £1,200, Secret Service £5,000 p.a. (authorised by Chief Secretary) except for conspiracies etc., concordatum up to £5,000 p.a. or £30 to one person, act not to affect pensions during pleasure already granted or salaries approved by Lord Lieutenant paid by Commissioners of Revenue, official housing repairs not more than £50 p.a. without authorisation of Board of Works, £100+ requires authorisation of Lord Lieutenant, Establishment to continue to HM's successor [rv]

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