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33 Geo. III, c. 52,
An Act for the Advancement of Trade and Manufactures by granting the Sums therein mentioned for the Support of Commercial Credit.
Finance, 1793 trade slump - prominent Dublin citizens named Commissioners by Lord Lieutenant, loaned £200,000 at 5% interest from Bank of Ireland to make temporary loans to businessmen injured by recession (repaid at '6 pounds per centum per annum') and further credit up to £300,000 on Treasury bills at interest of 2 1/2d per day; stringent security - goods valued at double sum lent, Commissioners to provide warehouses for goods offered as security, principal and interest to be paid at the Treasury on appointed days; proceeds of goods sold and sums received from bankrupts credited to Treasury account in Bank of Ireland, counterfeiting Bank of Ireland notes - capital offence [t]

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