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34 Geo. III, c. 6,
An Act for enabling the Lord High Chancellor of Ireland and the Court of Exchequer respectively to make Orders on the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland for Payment out of the general Fund of Monies belonging to the Suitors of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer of the further Sum therein mentioned towards building the principal Courts of Justice at Dublin and Law Offices and for declaring that all Government Securities purchased by the Governors and Directors of the said Bank and Profits arising therefrom should be placed to the Account of the Governor and Company of the said Bank.
Judicial - Four Courts and Record Office Building financed by Chancery suitors' fees deposited in Bank of Ireland, Lord Chancellor and Chief Judges to receive from Bank of Ireland £30,000 over next three years, Bank of Ireland to advance money at 5 per cent, Treasury to ensure that there is £13,500 or as required to meet demands of suitors [j]

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