This record is free to all users Monarch GEORGE III Year 1794 Title 34 Geo. III, c. 10, Description An Act for continuing and amending the several Laws relating to His Majesty's Revenue and for the more effectually preventing Frauds therein and for regulating and extending the Tobacco Trade of this Kingdom. Classification Revenue, tobacco duty - lists ports with bonded warehouses, owners to pay expenses, tobacco can only be imported where warehouses are available, export drawbacks within three years, tobacco may be sold if duty not paid in 15 months, aliens additional 1d duty per lb, ships carrying clandestine tobacco may be seized, dealers/manufacturers licensed, distillers and stills licensed, prevention of smuggling - heavy penalties, potash export forbidden, coal duty-free if paying local duty for port improvement [rv] Login or Sign up to save records to your list Perform Another Search ​ Are you sure you want to buy this record? > credits (or if a member credits) >0 credits in your wallet Buy with credits Cancel