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34 Geo. III, c. 15,
An Act for directing the Application of the Sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred Pounds granted by Parliament to the Dublin Society for the Improvement of Husbandry and other useful Arts and for the more effectual Recovery of such Money as appears due to said Society and to the Royal Irish Academy and for enabling the Incorporated Society to elect their Officers and Members of the Committee of Fifteen on the First Wednesday in February in every Year.
Revenue - parliamentary grant to RDS, £3,000 for agrarian improvement and repository of agrarian implements, also £250 glass manufacture (divided as before), £500 botanic gardens, £1,750 for officials' salaries, mineralogy cabinet and drawing school, RDS and RIA subscription arrears are legal debts, compounding for 25 per cent allowed, 20 guineas life subscription, Charter Schools Committee to be elected first Wednesday in February (previously in November) [m]

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