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34 Geo. III, c. 26,
An Act for the Improvement of the Town and Harbour of Wexford and for building a Bridge or Bridges over the River Slaney at or near said Town.
Wexford, harbour improvement corporation named and appointed (quorum 7), small dues e.g. ballast, regulation of port, pilots and wives of drowned pilots may get (pension) annuities up to £30 p.a. and more for extra service, powers of compulsory purchase etc., quays 60 to 80 feet wide, Wexford Court of Conscience cases £2 erected under Mayor, assize of bread established, Wexford to enjoy same powers as Waterford under 23 & 24 Geo. III, c. 52 re markets and bakers etc., bridge tolls and ferry tolls, to keep streets clean and clear of obstructions, Corporation to license owners of vehicles, Corporation to equip and provide fire engine and fire-fighters [u]

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