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35 Geo. III, c. 6,
An Act for securing the Payment of the Annuities and of the Interest upon the Principal Sums therein provided for and towards the Discharge of such Principal Sums in such Manner as therein is directed and for enabling the Officers of His Majesty's Treasury to receive certain Sums for a limited Time in Manner therein mentioned and for granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and for applying a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One Thousand seven hundred and ninety-five and for other Purposes.
Revenue - Civil List, national debt and annuities, probable need to establish a lottery, annual budget £2,449,600 16s 9 1/4d, from the consolidated fund, £1,803,915 6s 53/4d - army £409,401 5s 81/2d for 12,000 men etc. in Ireland plus £48,468 19s 2d for 3,232 men on Irish Establishment abroad, augmentation of the army £187,864 8s 8d for 8,286 men, £5,800 to augment pay of regiment on duty in Dublin for one year, £8,012 3s 11/2d for general and staff officers, £3,134 4s 11d for additional general and staff officers, £8,040 17s 81/4d for allowances to Muster Master General, also Quarter-Master General, Adjutant General, Judge Advocate General and other listed officers, £5,511 12s 31/2d for Governors of garrisons, £27,615 2s 6d for recruitment etc., £13,483 6s 51/2d for half-pay officers, £5,569 4s for officers' widows, £59,829 5d for a year's forage, £263,733 15s 3d for the Ordnance, £200,000 for barracks for army and militia, £13,103 10s 71/2d for Royal Hospital Kilmainham, £1,700 for Royal Military Infirmary, £542,647 5s 8d for the militia, £9,768 1s 4d in Commons officials' salaries listed, Speaker £4,000, Chairman of Ways and Means (John Monck Mason) £500, £1,018 1s 4d to Robert Thornton, Clerk of House, for attendance, engrossing and comparing Money Bills and indexing Journals, Edward Tresham, Clerk Assistant, £350, £250 each to two named committee clerks, £3,400 in various other small salaries to listed officials, including £70 to James M'Cowan, late door-keeper now blind, £2,130 to various public officials, £340 to Stephen Moore, Accountant General, £250 to John Smart, his deputy, £800 to John Tydd, Paymaster of Corn Premiums, £70 to Henry Smith, his deputy, £200 to Paul Le Bas, examinator of Corn Premiums, £200 to J. C. Beresford, Inspector General Imports and Exports, and £140 to John Whetherall, his First Clerk, £140 to John Swan, Examinator of Excise, £41,991 to schools, hospitals, etc. listed as charities, viz. £13,000 for charter schools, £5,000 Foundling Hospital/Workhouse, £15,515 to Dublin Corporation for Poor relief and House of Industry, £2,000 to Hibernian School, £1,000 to Hibernian Marine School, £5,476 to Westmorland Lock Hospital, £91,290 18s 10 1/2d; miscellaneous grants for general expenses, £21,600 to Trustees of Linen Board, First Fruits, £5,000 for new churches, Dublin Society £5,500, £5,000 to Corporation for paving, lighting and cleansing Dublin streets in lieu of vehicle tax [rv]

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