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35 Geo. III, c. 28,
An Act for the better Regulation of the Receipts and Issues of His Majesty's Treasury and for repealing an Act of Parliament passed in the Tenth Year of Henry the Seventh Entitled An Act authorizing the Treasurer to make all Officers as the Treasurer of England doth.
Revenue - reorganisation of Treasury, H. T. Clements an annuity of £3,500 on retirement and his wife £600 for life, First and Second Chamberlains of Exchequer's (W. H. Palmer and H. G. Quinn) offices abolished on retirement, Receiver General £1000 p.a. to be appointed - can be an MP; Receiver General to pay each Friday to Teller of Exchequer sums collected, present Chief Baron and Barons of the Exchequer paid £200 in lieu of fees for passing accounts, quarterly audit, Commissioners of the Treasury cannot be employed in collection of Revenue [rv]

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