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35 Geo. III, c. 36,
An Act for more effectually preserving the Peace within the City of Dublin and the District of the Metropolis and establishing a Parochial Watch in the said City.
Public order - Dublin city divided into two, north and south of river, divisional justice - a magistrate for each division £300 p.a., also a superintendent magistrate £600 p.a., all aldermen, constables and high constables under them, lists offences and penalties, e.g. supervising ale-houses, 'drinking tippling and gaming' - £10 first offence, other duties - common beggars sent to House of Industry etc., number of watchmen hired by parish increased sunset-sunrise, salaries - constable £30 p.a. plus £18 clothing, sub-constable £25 p.a. and clothing, Police to be paid by vehicle tax formerly paid to Foundling Hospital/Workhouse, quarter of proceeds still to go to Lying-in Hospital, money to be lodged in Bank of Ireland [u]

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