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37 Geo. III, c. 28,
An Act for granting to his Majesty a Duty on Auctions on certain Manufactures of Glass and on Paper Hangings; and for granting further Duties on the Importation of Corks Glauber Salts and Paper Hangings; and a further Duty on Licenses to keep Malt-Houses and for securing the Duties granted on Hides and Skins tanned with Shumack and dressed in Oil; and for granting certain Sums out of the Surplus of the Consolidated Fund for Salaries to the Professors of Italian French German and Spanish Languages in Trinity-College Dublin and for granting certain Duties and additional Duties to be levied by the Commissioners of the Stamp Duties.
Revenue - duties on auction proceeds, other miscellaneous duties, schedule of additional stamp duties (bishoprics, peerages, apprenticeship, etc.), £100 each to TCD Professors of French, German, Spanish and Italian [rv]

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