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38 Geo. III, c. 10,
An Act for securing the Payment of the Annuities and of the Interest upon the Principal Sums therein provided for and towards the Discharge of such Principal Sums in such Manner as therein is directed and for enabling the Officers of His Majesty's Treasury to receive certain Sums for a limited Time in Manner therein mentioned and for granting unto His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and for applying a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight and for other Purposes.
Revenue - national debt, lists debts and financing including lottery provision, budget for 1798 £4,246,870 16s 3 1/4d, £600,000 for Treasury bills due 24 June and 25 December 1798; £3,430,596 4s 9 1/2d - army etc. including garrisons and gunboats (gives breakdown); £10,478 1s 4d House of Commons officials etc.; Isaac Corry, Chairman of Supply and Ways and Means, £500; Sir G. F. Hill, Clerk of House of Commons, £978 1s 4d; £102,624 4s 3 1/2d listed miscellaneous appointments and charges; £7,250 growth of flax; £10,350 Linen Board (paid from tea and coffee duties); £5,000 to First Fruits; £5,500 to Dublin Society; £10, 000 to Corporation for paving and cleansing Dublin (out of duty on carriages); additional £5,000 to Dublin Corporation for extraordinary expenses; £4,500 for Commissioners of Wide Streets, £44,140 for hospitals and schools, including £13,000 charter schools, £10,000 to Foundling Hospital/Workhouse, £13,400 to House of Industry, £1,000 to Hibernian Marine School, £2,000 to Hibernian School, £4,740 to Westmorland Lock Hospital, £10,302 5s 10d for Maynooth [rv]

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