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38 Geo. III, c. 21,
An Act for continuing an Act passed in the Thirty-sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act more effectually to suppress Insurrections and prevent the Disturbance of the publick Peace; and also an Act passed in the Thirty-seventh Year of His Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act to explain an Act passed in the Thirty-sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign Entitled An Act more effectually to suppress Insurrections and prevent the Disturbance of the public Peace.
Law and order - 36 Geo. III, c. 1 also 37 Geo. III, c. 3, Insurrection Act, suspects of high treason may be detained on warrant of PC, persons possessing arms and refusing to give them up - disorderly; lawful for JPs to search and destroy weapons; summary conviction - service in army or navy; can appeal to Quarter Sessions; smiths making pikes etc. - seven years' transportation [j]

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