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38 Geo. III, c. 72,
An Act for the Sale of His Majesty's Quit-Rents Crown and other Rents and of the Lands forfeited in the Years One thousand six hundred and forty-one and One thousand six hundred and eighty-eight and other Lands yet remaining undisposed of in such Manner and under such Provisions as are therein mentioned.
Revenue - sale of Crown and quit rents under 30s at 30 years' purchase; 30s to £5 - 25 years' purchase; above £5 - 20 years' purchase; rents sold first to owners if they can pay one-tenth within six months, thereafter to highest bidder; HM can recover arrears; as sales may be slow Bank of Ireland can advance money to government at 5 per cent; sale valued at up to £1,000,000 [rv]

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