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38 Geo. III, c. 75,
An Act for continuing and amending an Act made in the Thirty-seventh Year of His Majesty's Reign intitled An Act for better regulating the Collection of His Majesty's Revenue and for preventing of Frauds therein and for repealing an Act made in the Thirty-sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty intitled An Act for continuing and amending the several Laws relating to His Majesty's Revenue and further preventing Frauds therein and the several Acts and Statutes which are mentioned in the said Act and continued thereby.
Revenue - repealing 36 Geo. III, c. 35, continuing and amending 37 Geo. III, c. 30 (statute 97 pp.), attempt to tighten the law; refusing to appear, answer or send papers - penalty £20; those guilty of felony can gain freedom by convicting two accomplices; those buying, concealing, etc. illegal goods fined treble value; householder of such goods fined £100; ships forfeited; penalties for other Revenue omissions or frauds (e.g. licences for playing-cards or vehicles), spirits etc. seized, sold and duty retained - rest to persons making seizure; when judgment is made for defendants they receive treble costs v. plaintiff; all contracts, bills, securities, etc. for smuggled goods void; this act continues 37 Geo. III, c. 30, dealing with Collectors, Sheriffs and increased paperwork - Sheriffs of Galway had not accounted for many years; also illicit distillation etc. [rv]

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