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39 Geo. III, c. 7,
An Act for securing the Payment of the Annuities and of the Interest upon the Principal Sums therein provided for and towards the Discharge of such principal Sums in such Manner as therein is directed; and for enabling the Officers of his Majesty's Treasury to receive certain Sums for a limited Time in Manner therein mentioned; and for granting unto His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund; and for applying a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine and for other Purposes.
Revenue - national debt, annuities, etc., total budget £5,080,728 1s 8 1/2d - armed forces £4,149,567 2s 3d; House of Commons £10,078 1s 4d, Speaker £4,000, Henry Alexander (Chairman Ways and Means) £500, Sir George FitzGerald Hill, Clerk of House of Commons etc., £540 plus £200 for supervising the indexing and printing of the Journals plus £278 1s 4d for engrossing the bills, and various sums to named lesser officials; £114,065 3s 6 1/2d for miscellaneous services including £2,500 associate and assistant Judges, £28,000 for civil buildings, £100 each to Huguenot conformist ministers and grants to German and other protestant clergy, £100 to TCD Professors of French, Spanish, Italian and German; £116 13s to Royal Irish Academy to rent a house; up to £282 4s 3 1/2d to General Vallancy at 15s per day while working on his survey; £1,100 for House of Lords miscellaneous expenses, £178 to Clerk of House of Lords for engrossing, comparing and attesting the public bills (except the Money Bills), £1,664 to local Commissioners of Lagan navigation; £21,600 to the Linen Board (breakdown given), RDS £5,500 (for purposes directed by parliament), £10,000 to Dublin Corporation for cleansing, paving and lighting - £5,000 instead of duty on carriages and £5,000 for extraordinary expenses; £48,196 11s 7d for public hospitals and schools, divided as follows - £13,000 to charter schools, £17,066 11s 7d to Foundling Hospital/Workhouse expenses and debts, £10,390 to Dublin Corporation for poor and support of House of Industry, £1,000 to Hibernian Marine Society and £2,000 to Hibernian School, £4,740 to Westmorland Lock Hospital, £1,000 to Parish of St Andrew towards building a new church, £4,500 to Commissioners of Wide Streets for purchase of land and houses on north side of Liffey; pensions - Lord Duncan £913 1s 3d, Lord St Vincent £1,631 17s 7d [rv]

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