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39 Geo. III, c. 25,
An Act to enable the Commissioners of the Treasury in Ireland to receive from the Commissioners of the Treasury in England a Sum not exceeding the Sum therein mentioned as a Loan in Part of the Supply granted to His Majesty for the Service of the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine and for securing the Interest and Charges thereon and for raising by Loan a further Sum towards the said Supply and to exempt from certain Duties such Persons as shall have paid such voluntary Contribution as therein mentioned.
Revenue - existing British loans, new loans debentures or stock, not to exceed 5 per cent interest, premium not to exceed £10 (£90 for £100), to balance budget £5,080,728 1s 8 1/2d - £4,500,000 to be raised on loan [rv]

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