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39 Geo. III, c. 53,
An Act to grant certain Duties therein mentioned to His Majesty to be applied to the Purpose of making wide and convenient Ways, Streets and Passages in the City of Dublin and for enabling the Commissioners therein mentioned more effectually to execute the Trusts reposed in them.
Urban amenities, Dublin - 21 & 22 Geo. III, c. 17; 23 & 24 Geo. III, c. 3 & 31; 36 Geo. III, c. 19 allowed Wide Streets Commissioners to borrow £100,000 @ 4 per cent, card duty insufficient to discharge this sum now made compulsory, each house in Dublin and Liberties to take out a licence to play any game of cards, licence assessed similarly to rates e.g. 5s 5d for £20-30 house, 22s 9d for £40+ house, club members charged 22s 9d each - penalty for avoidance £20; for each additional club membership 11s 4d, clubs to supply lists of members under £100 penalty, college lands between Carlisle Bridge and College Green conveyed to Commissioners for £1,200 sterling p.a.; other interested parties - Bishop of Raphoe (Hawkins) £520 p.a., (net sums) Issac Barré £1,500, representatives of Joseph Hart £3,802 - annuities can be granted in lieu [u]

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