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39 Geo. III, c. 56,
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty intitled An Act for more effectually preserving the Peace within the City of Dublin and the District of the Metropolis and establishing a Parochial Watch in the said City; and also to amend one other Act passed in the Thirty-sixth Year of His present Majesty intitled An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty intitled An Act for more effectually preserving the Peace within the City of Dublin and the District of the Metropolis and establishing a Parochial Watch in the said City and for remedying the Abuses committed by Pawnbrokers within the District of the Metropolis or three Miles thereof.
Urban amenities - Dublin, 35 Geo. III, c. 36; 36 Geo. III, c. 30; watch etc. taking bribes - whipped and imprisoned; greater centralisation of authority in superintendent magistrate by whom rates may be collected; need for lights in St Sepulchre, seneschal and grand jury may applot for same [u]

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