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40 Geo. III, c. 3,
An Act for securing the Payment of the Annuities and of the Interest and Charges upon the principal Sums therein provided for and towards Discharge of such principal Sums in such Manner as therein is directed and for enabling the Officers of his Majesty's Treasury to receive certain Sums for a limited Time in Manner therein mentioned and for granting unto his Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund and for applying a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned for the Service of the Year one thousand eight hundred and for other Purposes.
Revenue - 39 Geo. III, c. 8, national debt; 38 Geo. III, c. 3, Grand Canal, £11,000 in 5 per cent debentures; £5,080,728 granted to HM out of the consolidated fund £4,500,000 to be raised by loan; loan from British Treasury of £2,000,000 at 5 per cent part of £4,500,000, further £700,000 raised on Treasury Bills, £1,615,555 to be raised by loan, aids granted have proved insufficient for payment of annuities and interest, one or more lotteries may be necessary to raise supplies; lotteries subject to 21 & 22 Geo. III, c. 2; 33 Geo. III, c. 18 & 37; 35 Geo. III, c. 35; profits to consolidated fund; budget 1800 £5,341,602 14s 8 1/2d - £700,000 to discharge Treasury bills payable 24 June and 2 July 1800; £4,412,075 16s 2d for armed forces (breakdown given); £10,178 1s 4d to House of Commons; usual listed payments, £120,783 17s 2 1/2d; £25,000 public buildings, £2,500 assistant Judges, £2,500 for apprehending public offenders, £25,000 for criminal prosecutions; miscellaneous expenses including £18,630 9s 6d for Castle printing and stationery, £14,935 9s 2d for House of Commons and House of Lords stationery, £832 for Lagan navigation in lieu of duty on beer and ale; £6,000 for Public Record Office, £5,000 for building St George's Church; a variety of small disbursements e.g. French clergy; £46,000 to public boards, £21,600 to Linen Board (breakdown) in lieu of tea and coffee duties, £5,000 to First Fruits, £5,500 to RDS, £10,000 to Dublin Corporation for paving, lighting and cleansing, etc., £4,500 to Commissioners of Wide Streets; £49,905 for hospitals and schools, i.e. £13,000 for charter schools, £9,300 Foundling Hospital/Workhouse, £11,707 to Corporation for relief of the poor in Dublin, including £1,000 for salaries of acting Governors of House of Industry, £1,000 to Hibernian Marine Society, £2,000 to Hibernian Society, £4,898 to Westmorland Lock Hospital, £8,000 for Maynooth [rv]

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