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40 Geo. III, c. 37,
An Act for paving cleansing and lighting and improving the several Streets Squares Lanes and Passages within the Town of Belfast in the County of Antrim and for removing and preventing all Encroachments Obstructions and Annoyances therein; and also for establishing and maintaining a nightly Watch throughout the said Town and Precincts thereof and for other Purposes.
Urban amenities - Belfast, paving, cleansing and lighting, Commissioners listed, Sovereign and burgesses ex officio Commissioners; duties listed e.g. responsible for fire engines, committee of 21 to assist Commissioners; Commissioners' qualification upwards of £100 p.a., committee resident householder worth £1,000, water piped and supplied by Charitable Society, neither Commissioners nor committee to have an 'interest' in the work, committee may appoint surveyors, collectors, clerk - penalty for officials accepting a fee £100, books to be kept to be inspected, also as evidence, penalties for breaking or stealing lamps or training horses; committee to applot for work, swine wandering killed for benefit of Charitable Society; arrangements for slaughter, disposal of night soil, etc.; instructions for building houses [u]

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